Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bushfires - The Next Season

Victoria has barely started the recovery from one bushfire season before being told, this week, to expect an upcoming season that could be potentially worse.

I suppose a lot of people are praying for a LOT of Spring rain and for milder temperatures than what is expected. However, prayer's one God a hand by doing some safety-oriented preparation is another.

But essentially, the State of Victoria, as individuals and as a community will have to prepare and work hard to ensure we do NOT get a repeat of February 2009.

That may mean even the staunchest conservationist thinking about clearing a safety buffer between his home and dangerous trees which become fire fuel. It may mean making sure emergency sirens are ready to warn any small town at a moment's notice, hang former regulations on not disturbing people.

It means emergency communications being better able to handle things than back in February. It means better planning by the relevent authories and getting their acts together.

It means learning some valuable lessons from February and applying them. NOT ignoring them.

The thing is, next fire season, we can't be at the level of complacency we were at before February 7, 2009.

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